as you know i'm very interested in the costumes and characterisations in this whole theatre thing, but before i dive into that, i'll tell you more about the play.
the official poster
the three musketeers is a book written by alexander dumas in 1844. the action takes place in the XVIIth century in france under the rule of louis XIII. it's full of history, love, fights and intrigues. good read, only the language can be challenging sometimes.
the play is based entirely on the book and is very faithful, not a modern telling. there are two acts and definitely the first one rules. the action is well presented, even if the love stories and songs are a bit soppy. and i loooove the fight scenes, big fan of historical reconstructions.
on the technical side of things, the stage is so well prepared. the capitol has a fantastic stage in itself, it has 3 or 4 moving parts and can be two-storey. additionally, they made 3 or 4 columns, two-storey as well, that could move and twist around. the coordination of changing the scenery was amazing, i wandered how long they've practiced all that.
in the second part there was a lot more tension, i feel like it was dragged out a bit. the only thing that really hold it all together was milady de winter, the main culprit of all the intrigues. justyna szafran, the actress behind milady, has a great chemistry and sexual energy with the rest of the cast, and i love me some erotism on stage.
it took me a while to warm up to d'artagnan in this production, mostly because the last time i saw this story the role was played by logan lerman in the ridiculous 2011 film with orlando bloom as prince buckingham, and this guy doesn't resemble him one bit.
now, let's get down to the good stuff, clothes!
in general, i'm very content with their interpretation of historical wear. it can be hard, and i personally prefer a bit of a traditional approach. the only big thing i really don't like are the bare arms on women, other than milady de winter, cause with her it looks gorgeous.
like look at this, of course it's beautiful but it's not XVIIth century france! there was another scene on the ball (which, to my disappointment, wasn't really that big) where the queen was dancing in some sort of eastern dress with lots of flowy fabric, it's just not the right atmosphere. but the rest of the ball was devine.
the musketeers looked great, even poor d'artagnan.
atos, portos and, my favourite, aramis where so manly, just like a soldier should be. i'm not really into muscles but i'm a sucker for a man in a military wear.

the leather is very nice, i wasn't close to the stage but even i could tell they paid attention to the details. anna chadaj, did a great job.
do you like historical plays or other works? on the 5th i'm going to see a retransmission of 'hamlet' from national theatre, we'll see how this works.
this has been you monday dose of bravery.
ps. watch the trailer here.
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