
c'est fini

i recently realised that i haven't post a ootd in like, ages. so here is a new years eve one. as i promised. haha, good start of the year, first promise kept! 

and btw, spoiler alert, no, i didn't go anywhere. 
and yes, this means i dressed up for scrolling down tumblr till midnight. feel free to judge me.
 yes, i am aware of the fact that my hands look like they're dead or something. yeah...
jacket - david moore
top - h&m
maxi skirt - reserved
shoes - doc martens
studded bracelet - glitter
earrings and rings - topshop

eyes - l'oreal paris, color infaillible in eternal black
lips - sephora rouge in crush
nails - manhattan, lotus effect in, eh this is disappointing, 65w

i've become good friends with my camera though this photo shoot so maybe i'll post some more ootd, like once a week? maybe? would you enjoy that? (that's not a promise!)

should i get into the 2012/2013/newyearsresolutions/etc thing?
maybe just a bit. 
firstly, let's go through the ones from last year:
-draw everyday - well, i kinda did it. i'm better but i could use some practise.
-read more - this year i've read a least 42 books. i wanted to go to the usual 50, but i just didn't manage. 2013 and 50 books, challenge accepted.
-post regularly - well, you can tell how it went. i needed 3 months to complete something i was supposed to do in one month. but i posted quite frequently, i guess. you can judge that for yourself.
and btw, even though the calendar thing didn't work out as good as i planned, i still got the 2013 one. 

this year:
-i need to work more, like work on my portfolio and stuff like that. dream is to get a scholarship in london so i need to get myself together.
-this is sort of connected to the first one. i'll blog more, because it's fun, because i like it and because i can share doing something i love.
-i should be nicer to people. probably.

yeah, this is achievable. i hope at least. 
tell me about and show me your new year. it'll be fun.

and as i am a sneaky person like that, did you fulfil your resolutions? and did you have a 'midnight kiss'? wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

i wish you all the best for new year. let's hope this 13 will be lucky!



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