

sidenote: i'm terrible at this. ten letters behind. need to catch up.

well, you know me long enough to be sure that this was pretty obvious. i love almost every colour. not every combination though. you may remember the post about me getting angry about possibly the ' 'granniest' (can you say that??) combination ever. as a matter of fact it is quite trendy this a/w season, i've warmed up a bit to it. but it has to be on good clothes. also the combination of blue and a lot of brown and green doesn't look good for me. which is quite weird considering the fact that i'm a ravenclaw. for all of you that don't know (how? how?) brown and blue are the colours of this house. anything else? well the colours are quite difficult to style for some people (i know too many walking examples who should educate themselves on this topic) but i grew up colourful so now it's pretty natural for me. 
basically, i would be nothing without a splash of colour :)

see you soon,




  1. I was reading this and really I was like: Yeah it's too hard for me. That's why I use only two colours: black and darker black.


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